Young Adult Books Reviewed is hosting a halloween read a thon this weekend. There are several mini challenges and some great prizes.
Spookiest Read mini-challenge
I am not a fan of scary books because I get scared really easily. I recently read a couple of books that were semi-spooky that I really enjoyed. Neither of them were really scary, just kind of creepy, enough so that I didn't want to read them at night.
Halloween Costume mini-challenge
I absolutely love this costume, especially because I am studying to become a librarian. I would totally buy it, but I can't find it in stock anywhere.
Halloween Treats mini-challenge
When I was little, there were 2 houses in my town that we knew gave out the best candy, and we would go there first. One gave out king size candy bars, and the other gave rolls of pennies. My favorite candy to get was always the chocolate.
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