I have known for about a year that there were several other book bloggers in Montreal and started joining their monthly meet-ups. Then about a month ago some other bloggers in the area started a Facebook group and we discovered that there are more than 15 of us! We had our first get together yesterday at a local Italian restaurant.
Back Row L-R: Avis from She Reads and Reads, Amanda from Tales and Treats, Melissa from YA Book Shelf, Me, Mrs. Q, Cindy B. from Tynga's Reviews, Lucy from Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf, Donna from Book Bound, Laura from Library of Clean Reads, Tina from Bookshipper
Several publishers were awesome enough to send a ton of books and swag. Thanks so much to:
Random House Canada
Scholastic Canada
Harper Collins Canada
Simon & Schuster Canada
I came home with a ton of swag and the following books:
From Simon & Schuster Canada:
5 Very good reasons to punch a dolphin in the mouth- The Oatmeal
From Scholastic Canada:
Cleopatra's Moon- Vicky Alvear Shecter
Dark Souls- Paula Morris
From Random House:
Turn of Mind- Alice Laplante
From Harper Collins:
The Book of Lies- Mary Horlock
Tony & Susan- Austin Wright
From Tina @ Bookshipper, I got:
Keeping Faith- Jodi Picoult

Creep- Jennifer Hillier
Scars- Cheryl Rainfield

What happened to Serenity?- PJ Sarah Collins
Riptide- Barbara Hale-Seubert
I also visited the library and got the following:
Seeds of Yesterday- V.C. Andrews
Started Early, Took My Dog- Kate Atkinson
The Joyful Child- Norman Ravvin
One for the Money- Janet Evanovich